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How to Clean and Refresh Your Futon Mattress

Futon mattresses offer versatility and functionality, serving as both a comfortable bed and a stylish seating option. It's a great addition to any home that caters for guests (or partners in trouble!)

However, just like traditional mattresses, futon mattresses require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them fresh and hygienic. Maybe even more so since it's usually your guests who will be staying to sleep there.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of cleaning a futon mattress, highlighting the key differences between cleaning a futon mattress and a standard mattress.

How Do You Clean A Futon Mattress?

Cleaning a futon mattress is similar to cleaning a standard one with a few key differences: You need to be more conservative with the products used and, due to it being made of partly wool, certain products should not be used.

Steps For Cleaning Futon:

Futon Mattress Key Information

  1. What futon is made of: Futon mattresses are typically made of layers of cotton, foam, polyester, or a combination of these materials. They are designed to be flexible and foldable, allowing for easy conversion between bed and sofa configurations.

  2. Thin Profile: Unlike standard mattresses, futon mattresses have a thinner profile. This affects the cleaning process and the types of cleaning methods that can be used. Remember this while cleaning your mattress.

Cleaning a Futon Mattress

Regular Maintenance

  1. Vacuuming: Start by vacuuming the surface of the futon mattress regularly to remove dust, dirt, and debris. Use a handheld vacuum or an upholstery attachment to reach into crevices and seams. This prevents the mattress's fibres from becoming clogged, as you can imagine, when dirt has nowhere to go, it appears on the surface leaving unsightly stains.

  2. Flipping and Rotating: Just like traditional mattresses, rotating and flipping your futon mattress regularly helps distribute wear and maintain its shape. Check the manufacturer's guidelines for specific instructions.

Spot Cleaning

  1. Treat Stains Promptly: Blot spills immediately with a clean cloth or paper towel to prevent the liquid from seeping into the mattress. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it can spread the liquid further into the fabric.

  2. Mild Detergent Solution: For small stains, mix a gentle liquid detergent with water to create a soapy solution. Dampen a clean cloth with the solution, blot the stain gently, and rinse with a damp cloth. Pat dry with a towel.

  3. Enzyme Cleaners: For tough stains, such as urine or blood, consider using enzyme-based cleaners specifically designed for upholstery. If you want to know how to remove specific stains that require enzyme cleaning, read on.

Specific Stain Removal:

Have a look at some of our guides on how to spot clean specific stains. Remember to not oversaturate the material and double check the products are wool safe:


  1. Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda generously over the surface of the futon mattress to neutralize odours. Let it sit for several hours or overnight, then vacuum thoroughly to remove the baking soda. There are also commercial options to eat away at the odours in a faster and less messy way.

  2. Sunlight and Fresh Air: If possible, air out the futon mattress in direct sunlight. Sunlight helps kill bacteria and freshen the mattress naturally.

Cleaning Considerations for Futon Mattresses

  1. Folding and Flexibility: Futon mattresses are designed to fold, which can make cleaning more challenging. Take care not to damage the mattress during cleaning by avoiding excessive bending or folding.

  2. Dry Cleaning: Unlike standard mattresses, futon mattresses typically cannot be dry cleaned due to their construction and materials. It is best to stick to spot cleaning and methods that allow for proper drying.

  3. Protecting the Frame: When cleaning a futon mattress, pay attention to the frame and ensure it remains dry. Moisture can damage wooden frames or cause rust on metal frames.

  4. Mattress Covers: Using a removable, washable mattress cover or futon slipcover can help protect the mattress from spills, stains, and daily wear. Regularly washing the cover helps maintain cleanliness.


Cleaning a futon mattress requires attention to its unique construction and thin profile. Regular vacuuming, spot cleaning, and deodorizing can help keep the futon mattress fresh and hygienic.

Remember to avoid excessive bending or folding during cleaning and protect the frame from moisture.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your futon mattress remains clean, comfortable, and ready to provide both a cosy bed and a stylish seating option for years to come.

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